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RF Install Script

Robot Framework installation and configuration script, including dependencies, tools, libs and drivers.

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This script will download and install the Robot Framework, all it's required dependencies (if not already available) and some extra libraries and tools. If necessary, it will also modify the user 'path' environment variable, so to include the necessary folders.

In the end of the process, the following resources should be installed:

If you don't need all of these, just comment the respective parts.

Two versions of the script are provided:

IMPORTANT - The installer download locations were valid at the time of this script conception, but these may change. If you find some invalid URL please report an issue at

IMPORTANT - The script includes a demo test to be run after the installation. Do not change the test indentation, unless you know what you are doing. You may end up with an invalid test script.



IMPORTANT - This script uses the 'setx' command to modify the PATH user variable. This means it won't work in Windows XP or previous, unless it's installed from the Service Pack 2 Support Tools.

IMPORTANT - If you really want to do selenium tests on IE, beware that there are some necessary browser configurations to be made. This script doesn't deal with those. For more info check



I've not done this yet. Python 2.7.x should be pre-installed in the OS. If you just need Robot Framework and Selenium, run the following commands:

sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install robotframework
sudo pip install robotframework-selenium2library